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Community Doula Training Hub in Eastern North Carolina: Engaging the  Birth Support Community

Welcome to SEEDS ENC, where we believe every birth deserves compassionate care. Our mission is to Support, Educate, and Engage Doulas to Serve Eastern North Carolina (SEEDS ENC). Join us in making a positive impact on birthing experiences in our community.

SEEDS ENC is a pilot program designed by the SHaRE2 Lab at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University and a community extension of our ECU Birth Companion student volunteer program.


The SHaRE2 Lab is committed to improving birth experiences by providing accessible, evidence-based doula services. Our team is dedicated to building a sustainable doula community in Eastern North Carolina that offers support, advocacy, and resources for expectant families.


Benefits of Becoming a Doula


Support Families

Offer compassionate physical, emotional, and informational support to expectant families during their birthing journey.


Make a Difference

Be a part of empowering families,
instilling confidence, and promoting positive birth experiences.


Personal Growth

Expand your knowledge, skills, and selfawareness through ongoing training and professional development

Supporting Doulas in Eastern North

SEEDS ENC is dedicated to providing ongoing support and mentorship for doulas in Eastern North Carolina. We believe in creating a strong community of birth professionals who are committed to empowering families during the transformative journey of childbirth.



Peer Support

Continuing Education

Connect with fellow doulas through our community to share experiences and insights. SEEDS ENC trained doulas are in cohorts of 8-10 and go through ongoing mentorship for 9 months.

Access our comprehensive library of resources and participate in regular
workshops and trainings to expand your knowledge and skills.


Marketing Assistance

Showcase your doula services with a professional profile on our website and gain visibility in your local community.


Referral Support

We partner with several clinics and providers. We keep an active list of SEEDS ENC and other community doulas to provide to prospective clients. 

Want to Learn More?

Contact us today


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